At Nehru Memorial, an evocative book “Politics for New India: A Nationalistic Perspective”, edited by Sh. Shriprakash Singh was launched. The event observed presence of Sh. Satyapal Singh (Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Govt. of India), Sh. J Nandkumar (National Convener of Prajna Pravah) and Sh. Shakti Sinha (Director, Nehru Memorial & Library).
The book expresses different dimensions of Indian Politics through essays and threads them with Nationalistic and Dharmic frame of reference. “The book challenges the orientalist and colonial narratives of the west to social science,” said Sh. Satyapal Singh. The book offers an alternative narrative to hegemonic Eurocentric concepts, which can be further seen as an attempt towards decolonization of Indian mindset.
“The book is first of its kind by Prana Pravah study circles and will prove to be a benchmark to Nationalist reference frame,” said S. P. Singh. “Prajana Pravah, an organisation fervently working in academia to tackle the orientalist discourse, organized Gyan Sangam in 2016. It was then decided to launch the series of books. After two years of intense research, the book is finally published,” said Sh. J. Nandkumar Ji, National Convenor of Prajna Pravah.
In this year we will be opportune to get a couple of more academic excellence. The new era of Rashtriya narrative of social science has begun.
(Book Launch)