Second edition of Lokmanthan

The Prajna Pravah, a platform for intellectuals and activists, is organising the second edition of Lokmanthan, a biennial brainstorming for nationalist thinkers and practitioners, in Ranchi, Jharkhand. The central theme of the colloquium is “the idea of...
Lokmanthan 2018 –  “Bharat Bodh: Jan Gan Man”

Lokmanthan 2018 – “Bharat Bodh: Jan Gan Man”

Lokmanthan, a colloquium of ‘Nation First’ Thinkers and Practitioners created a significant impact in public discourse in 2016. It has created a momentum to decolonise Indian mind-set and challenged the euro-centric academia. In 2018 the biennial fest is going to take...
Decolonising Indian Minds

Decolonising Indian Minds

A river is an eternally contemporary phenomenon. It has no origin and end, at least such a one which could be grasped with human intelligence. The first upsurge of the original spring happening somewhere far inside the earth gushing forth and ousting itself on the...
About the second edition of Lokmanthan

About the second edition of Lokmanthan

The Prajna Pravah will organise the second edition of Lokmanthan, a biennial brainstorming for nationalist thinkers and practitioners, in Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand. With a view of reviving Indianness and Indian value system and discussing “the idea...
EC George Sudarshan – a ‘Hindu Vedantin’

EC George Sudarshan – a ‘Hindu Vedantin’

Born in a Christian family in Kerala, EC George Sudarshan considered himself a ‘Hindu Vedantin’. Credited with numerous contributions to the field of Theoretical Physics, Sudharshan was well-known for his efforts to synthesise Vedanta and modern science....
About Lokmanthan

About Lokmanthan

Perpetual churning is the very basis of Bharatiya philosophy. Healthy discussion and creative dialogue have played a great role in the progress of this great nation. The distinctiveness of our knowledge- tradition is marked by its unique nature of imparting wisdom. It...
‘Gyan Sangam’ Organised by Prajna Pravah

‘Gyan Sangam’ Organised by Prajna Pravah

A two day national level workshop — ‘Gyan Sangam’ was organised under the aegis of Prajna Pravah, an umbrella organisation for intellectuals and academicians, to brainstorm on the issues pertaining to Bharatiya perspective on Education. With the primary objective of...